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Example Solutions

Most Basic Example

In the sample solution, the file demonstrates the most basic example of embedding Python code into a .NET project.

The Python file contains a single function hello_world that takes a single argument name and returns a greeting message. It takes an optional int of the maximum length of the greeting message, which defaults to 50.

def format_name(name: str, max_length: int = 50) -> str:
    return "Hello {}".format(name.capitalize())[:max_length]

This demo generates the following C# method signature:

public string FormatName(string name, long maxLength = 50);

KMeans Example

A more complex example is the file, which contains a function calculate_kmeans_inertia that calculates the inertia of a KMeans clustering algorithm using the sklearn library:

from sklearn.cluster import k_means
import numpy as np

def calculate_kmeans_inertia(data: list[tuple[int, int]], n_clusters: int) -> tuple[list[list[float]], float]:
    # Demo data
    X = np.array(data)
    centroid, label, inertia = k_means(
        X, n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init="auto", random_state=0
    return centroid.tolist(), inertia

Because the input and output types are more complex, we've used a list of tuple of int, int the data input to represent the data matrix. The output is the list of centroids (the numpy array converted to a list) and the inertia value.

This demo generates the following C# method signature:

public (IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<double>>, double) CalculateKmeansInertia(IReadOnlyList<(long, long)> data, long nClusters);

Phi-3 inference demo

The file contains a demo of using the transformers package from hugging face and pytorch to invoke a Small Language Model (Phi3) and complete an input string.

This demo requires the transformers and torch packages to be installed in the Python environment. PyTorch has special requirements and should be installed per the instructions on the PyTorch website.

Embedding Python in a .NET Web App

The webapp project demonstrates how to embed Python code in a .NET web application. The webapp project is a simple web application that exposes some of the example Python functions via HTTP routes.

This demo also comes with a JMeter load test.