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The cat animations were designed by seethingswarm. The dog media assets for this extension were designed by NVPH Studio.

The winter theme is original artwork by Kiana Mosser created for VS Code Pets.

The forest theme was designed by edermunizz. The castle assets were created using artwork by GuttyKreum.

Marc Duiker created the Clippy, Rocky, Zappy, rubber duck, snake, cockatiel, Ferris the crab, and Mod the dotnet bot media assets.

Elthen created the fox media assets.

Karen Rustad Tölva designed the original concept of Ferris the crab.

Kevin Huang created the Akita inu media assets.

The turtle animations were designed by enkeefe using Pixelart.

The horse animations were adapted by Chris Kent from assets by Onfe.

Kennet Shin created the snail media assets.

The frog animations were created by seethingswarm.

Jessie Ferris created the panda media assets.